Proficiency/Mastery Based Scoring -- Books and Articles
Want to learn more about Proficiency Based Scoring and Reporting? The books and articles below are a great place to start!
SmartEd Systems has no financial connection to these authors. We just really like these books!
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It's Time to Stop Averaging Grades
Rick Wormeli breaks it down in this article for AMLE. A must-read.
How Grading Reform Changed Our School
"We decided that the consequence for not doing the work should be—doing the work"
Equity Through Grading: Transforming the Learning Currency
Katherine Holden and Steve Retzlaff describe the transformation at their school.
Five Obstacles to Grading Reform
A classic from Guskey and ASCD
Is Standards Based Grading Effective?
Great overview of SBG from the journal Theory to Practice