Welcome to SmartEd Systems!
Our Mission: Make teaching and learning explicit, transparent, and accessible to ALL students.
Why is Grading Reform Important?
Proficiency. Competency. Mastery. Standards-Based.
Have You Read?
Transforming the Learning Currency in Principal Leadership magazine. See how one school made the change a success.
"SES SmartScore™ makes it easy for me to stay in the loop about what my child is learning and how I can work with the school to support him."
-- Middle School Parent
"I love the software from SES SmartScore™. It is highly visual and easy to use. The rubrics are amazing and obviously built by someone who is a master teacher/educator"
-- Middle School Teacher
Whatever you call it, educators across the United States are looking for a better way to engage students, measure learning, and assess performance. And if you're reading this page, you probably feel the same way.
- Teachers are in the business of helping every child reach their potential (not just the "smart" or "talented" ones).
- Timely and targeted feedback is essential for student learning.
- Students deserve to know what success looks like in any subject area. No more "guess for success."
- The three Ps -- progress, process, and product -- are all important! But lumping them all together into a single score or letter grade does not help students understand how to improve.
- Equity. When compliance data (e.g. showing up on time, raising your hand, sitting still, etc.) are reported separately from performance...the playing field is more level for all students.